Environmental Policy
At The Chair King we take seriously our responsibility to care for and protect the environment in which we operate. We are fully committed to improving environmental performance across all of our business activities, and will encourage our business partners and members of the wider community to share that commitment.
The Chair King's main business activity of office chair repairs helps the environment by extending the useful life of office chairs and potentially preventing hundreds of broken office chairs from being thrown away each year.
The Chair King recognises our activities may impact the environment in the areas of: disposal of broken components and unrepairable chairs and CO2 emissions from driving to/from repair jobs and delivering new chairs.
We will:
Adopt the highest environmental standards in all areas of operation to ensure we meet or exceed all relevant legislative requirements.
Dispose responsibly of broken components and chairs at appropriate recycling depots.
Schedule repair work in such a way as to minimise environmental impact.
Minimise waste through efficient use of all materials and inputs.
Only use sustainable or recycled products where possible.
Provide environmental training and education to all employees.
Encourage employee involvement.
Reduce risks from environmental, health or safety hazards for employees and others in the vicinity of our operations.
Source new office chairs only from suppliers with a commitment to sustainability in their manufacturing processes.
Adopt an environmentally sound transport strategy. We will continue to source new chairs, parts and supplies only from local suppliers to minimise CO2 emissions.
Include environmental considerations in all investment decisions.
Continually assess the environmental impact of all our operations.
At The Chair King we develop action plans each year to ensure we deliver each of our environmental policy objectives. These can be provided on request.
The Chair King will annually review its performance to these objectives and make the results available.